This Wednesday, May 29th, we are launching a very unique and limited collection of phone bags, with our dear friend and artist, Pernelle Caspersen. The collaboration has been in the works for a long time and we are so excited to see it brought to life by so many skillful hands and artistic women.

Stop by to have a glass of wine and see the amazing artworks (that they really truly are) from 16-19 in the *Tienda.

The journey started with a mutual interest in wanting to explore the field between craftmanship and art — because what is art, and what is craftmanship?

In the early phases of the process, Pernelle interpreted portraits of the women in our team wearing the traditional dress of Santiago Atitlán. The signature of the huipiles are birds and nature, which inspired Pernelle's working title: STRONG WOMEN, FREE BIRDS. From there, she gave her iconic oil pastels back to the women for them to creatively transform the art works into five unique beaded bags.

We love how they turned out and are so excited to share the creations (and much more on the process than this post can hold ;)) with everyone on May 29th from 16-19 at Sorgenfrigade 1, 2200 Copenhagen N.